Thursday, August 12

The Vogrinc Family, on Bedrest

My cool outdoor reclining chair
Our unassuming family recently received the news that we would be on bedrest for the remainder of this pregnancy. This news came to us in the form of an unexpected hospital admittance after some pesky contractions, a few days of major concern, and then discharge papers with instructions to "do nothing but grow this baby."

JP celebrating "Shark Week" in his pool
I say "we" figuratively, because I am the only one lying on the couch all day, but Paul and John Paul are equally effected by my horizontal living. Since I can't be up for longer than a few minutes at a time, Paul is now in charge of winning the bread, and baking it. And cleaning up afterward. I can't lift our toddler, so Paul does naptime, bedtime, and most meals for the kiddo unless he pushes the high chair over to the couch where I can feed him. Even the dog is making sacrifices, as she spends much more time in her den now (the laundry room). So needless to say, we are all still settling in to our new lifestyle/ role changes.

Now to get technical about the pregnancy status: I was admitted to the hospital at 24 weeks gestation. I was dilated to 1.5cm and dangerously effaced. None of that is supposed to happen until full-term. They had me on heavy meds to stop the contractions, and performed a procedure called "cerclage," where they stitch the cervix closed to keep from dilating. It went well, but there is a risk now that my water will break prematurely. Also, there's a possibility that my body will persist in pre-term labor regardless of intervention. I am on a friendly medication for anti-contractions, and at this point things seem to be under control. I was discharged after 4 days, and have been at home on the couch ever since. In the midst an ultrasound during our hospital stay, Paul discovered (and it was confirmed by the ultrasound tech) that our little baby is a BOY! We are very excited to have Leo Francis as our baby-in-waiting, and love thinking about this little brother for John Paul.

We are so thankful for all of your prayers and thoughtfulness. I know there is an abundance of grace and insight that God intends to give through all of this and I hope to be able to share that with you!

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