Friday, August 27


Every good and perfect gift comes from You, Lord.
Isn't God glorious? (Taken in '05 in Costa Blanca, Spain)

A few weeks ago, when I was spared an extremely pre-term birth, and thereafter doomed to bed-rest, I really thought that this was my time to suffer for the Lord. Of all the joy and happiness of the previous year, I had just figured that God was now bringing me to a place of trial to lead my heart closer to His through suffering. So, I have been preparing myself to spend some time in this "vale of tears" as is the Lord's will for me right now.

Surprisingly enough, instead of darkness, this week has brought nothing but the light and love of Christ to me. On Monday, a dear friend of mine abandoned her plans for the day (including her baby's nap schedule!) to come over and help me with John Paul all morning. On Tuesday, we had a friend of the family bring over a delicious and healthy home-cooked meal, which was the start of a whole weekly schedule of friends and family that have volunteered to cook for us over the next three months. I've had thoughtful packages from out-of-state friends that have sent coloring books and activities for JP, word-search books, compilation CD's, magazines and even chocolate. I've received emails from people that I've only just met a handful of times that are assuring me of their thoughts and prayers for us. Just today, I received a hand-made card and intriguing book on The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood from a woman from our church. Between my mother-in-law and my sister, John Paul has been going to the park, the YMCA, and swimming in his pool... they have also been taking on our dishes, laundry and other household chores. Thanks to my mom in California, John Paul has a collection of new books and DVD's to watch, and Paul and I are thoroughly enjoying our NetFlicks subscription.
At a time when I thought I should be suffering and enduring the hardship of temporary disability, I been so unbelievably blessed! I had no idea that the Lord wanted to bless me in this way, as I know all of these gifts come from Him.

The one challenge that I've found in all of this is that I can't do much for the people that have done so much for me already. The one thing that I can do, and probably truly the greatest thing that I can do, is direct my prayers for the intentions of others. I have started a collection of prayer intentions from those who are serving our family at this time and I am looking forward to adding to my list. Please let me know ( if there are any specific things that I can pray for at this time.

For every blessing You pour out, I'll turn back to praise You.

Thank you, everyone, and thank you, Lord, for surprising me with Your Love.

Monday, August 23

Back To School

Well, today is the day that I hoped would never come. No, nothing bad happened, and yes, I am still pregnant. But, Paul went back to work today. It is a quiet day here at home.
I will admit it: I am truly a spoiled wife. Some wives may be spoiled by the amount of money they have at their disposal, or the number of diamonds they add to their wedding rings on each anniversary, but I am spoiled by the amount of time my husband can spend with me. This is, by far, the best thing about Paul being a teacher. We just had a wonderful summer together, traveling to California, vacationing up north, spending our days at the state park and doing so many other things together as a family.
John Paul was not a happy camper this morning when Daddy said goodbye and went to work. We will all need some time to adjust! On the other hand, it will be nice to get settled into a weekly routine...

We had a growth ultrasound last week to measure Leo's growth and "check status" on me. I am doing well meaning there is no more progress toward labor and the baby had adequate amniotic fluid and a very healthy heartbeat. He is measuring about 7-10 days behind my due date, which isn't a big concern at the moment, but it may result in our doctor pushing my due date back a week or two. This, in my mind, is a bad and good thing. It is bad, because it means, we have a longer road ahead of us than we thought, but good because we want Leo to be as healthy and "ready" as possible before he is born. Honestly, I've always had a hunch that our due date was off. Originally, our Creighton NFP instructor estimated a Nov. 27th due date based on our charting, which is proving to be very accurate based on the baby's size. Funny, those Catholics really do know what they're talking about!

I will try to post an ultrasound picture of Leo, soon. Thanks for reading and thanks for praying!

Monday, August 16

Wasting Away

Luke 5:1-11 -"The Call of Simon the Fisherman" This is the Gospel that Paul and I chose to be read at our wedding, and one that I periodically revisit in prayer from time to time. I came back to this Scripture recently, and was surprised to find the Holy Spirit illuminating a particular moment in a way that I had never thought of before: 
After casting into deep water and being astonished at the catch of fish so numerous that it was in danger of sinking the boat...they left everything to follow Him. Perhaps it is because I have been so scrupulous with our budget lately, trying to stretch every dollar and dry good in our cupboards, that my first reaction to this event was, "what a waste!" 

Why would Jesus, along with Simon and the other fishermen, just turn around and leave all of those fish? Think of all of the money that those fish were worth. Think of all of the people that could have been fed. 
It also led me to think of the woman who anointed Jesus with the costly alabaster oil and caused scandal because of such waste (Matt 26:6-13). Then came another thought: Maybe sometimes God gives us certain gifts just to be wasted on Him. 

I had great plans for this summer. Plans to organize the house, exercise, cook more vegetables, teach my son to walk and experience the Midwest in all of its summertime glory... but my plans weren't great enough. God had a greater plan. He is giving me the gift of time. Time is the one thing that all mothers dream of having more of. Time is to mothers what fish was to Simon. Now that I am on bedrest, I am astonished at the amount of time I have. And all of those plans that I had dreamt of accomplishing once I had time, well, now I have time... But God is calling me to waste it on him. 
So, for the next 63 days, I am leaving everything behind to follow Him. 

Thursday, August 12

26 weeks...10 more to go!

John Paul meets a goat at the Boone County Fair
Today marks 26 weeks for Leo and I! That means we have 10 more weeks to go until our goal of 36 weeks. Wow, that still sounds like a long time.

Yesterday was our weekly doctor visit. It is my only approved "public" outing so Paul and I usually make a detour on our way home... last week it was Starbucks, this week it was Beef-A-Roo, a favorite Rockford burger joint. Of course, we must use the drive-through, and I consume my treat fully reclined in the passenger seat. But nonetheless, it is an exciting event. Our appointment went well, as we gave a status update to the doctor (no news=good news) and listened to Leo's heartbeat. Ah, such a beautiful sound.

Paul and John Paul have been having fun together this week while our family from North Carolina is in town. Some of the fun includes: constructing a giant slip-n-slide in my in-law's backyard, going to the Boone County Fair, having a hearty water balloon fight, and going bowling. It's no secret that the slip-n-slide and water balloons are great reminders that having little children around give you reason to do things that are awesome, but otherwise unacceptable for adults. This is something that my husband loves about fatherhood!

The Vogrinc Family, on Bedrest

My cool outdoor reclining chair
Our unassuming family recently received the news that we would be on bedrest for the remainder of this pregnancy. This news came to us in the form of an unexpected hospital admittance after some pesky contractions, a few days of major concern, and then discharge papers with instructions to "do nothing but grow this baby."

JP celebrating "Shark Week" in his pool
I say "we" figuratively, because I am the only one lying on the couch all day, but Paul and John Paul are equally effected by my horizontal living. Since I can't be up for longer than a few minutes at a time, Paul is now in charge of winning the bread, and baking it. And cleaning up afterward. I can't lift our toddler, so Paul does naptime, bedtime, and most meals for the kiddo unless he pushes the high chair over to the couch where I can feed him. Even the dog is making sacrifices, as she spends much more time in her den now (the laundry room). So needless to say, we are all still settling in to our new lifestyle/ role changes.

Now to get technical about the pregnancy status: I was admitted to the hospital at 24 weeks gestation. I was dilated to 1.5cm and dangerously effaced. None of that is supposed to happen until full-term. They had me on heavy meds to stop the contractions, and performed a procedure called "cerclage," where they stitch the cervix closed to keep from dilating. It went well, but there is a risk now that my water will break prematurely. Also, there's a possibility that my body will persist in pre-term labor regardless of intervention. I am on a friendly medication for anti-contractions, and at this point things seem to be under control. I was discharged after 4 days, and have been at home on the couch ever since. In the midst an ultrasound during our hospital stay, Paul discovered (and it was confirmed by the ultrasound tech) that our little baby is a BOY! We are very excited to have Leo Francis as our baby-in-waiting, and love thinking about this little brother for John Paul.

We are so thankful for all of your prayers and thoughtfulness. I know there is an abundance of grace and insight that God intends to give through all of this and I hope to be able to share that with you!