Well, today is the day that I hoped would never come. No, nothing bad happened, and yes, I am still pregnant. But, Paul went back to work today. It is a quiet day here at home.
I will admit it: I am truly a spoiled wife. Some wives may be spoiled by the amount of money they have at their disposal, or the number of diamonds they add to their wedding rings on each anniversary, but I am spoiled by the amount of time my husband can spend with me. This is, by far, the best thing about Paul being a teacher. We just had a wonderful summer together, traveling to California, vacationing up north, spending our days at the state park and doing so many other things together as a family.
John Paul was not a happy camper this morning when Daddy said goodbye and went to work. We will all need some time to adjust! On the other hand, it will be nice to get settled into a weekly routine...
We had a growth ultrasound last week to measure Leo's growth and "check status" on me. I am doing well meaning there is no more progress toward labor and the baby had adequate amniotic fluid and a very healthy heartbeat. He is measuring about 7-10 days behind my due date, which isn't a big concern at the moment, but it may result in our doctor pushing my due date back a week or two. This, in my mind, is a bad and good thing. It is bad, because it means, we have a longer road ahead of us than we thought, but good because we want Leo to be as healthy and "ready" as possible before he is born. Honestly, I've always had a hunch that our due date was off. Originally, our Creighton NFP instructor estimated a Nov. 27th due date based on our charting, which is proving to be very accurate based on the baby's size. Funny, those Catholics really do know what they're talking about!
I will try to post an ultrasound picture of Leo, soon. Thanks for reading and thanks for praying!
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